EARTHJUSTICEThis information is from their website.....
Earthjustice exists to hold the government accountable to the promises it’s made — in the form of our environmental laws — to the people and wildlife that depend on a healthy environment to thrive. Despite some of the optimism the Biden administration brought last year, we’re in a position we’ve been in before — where leaders who claim to support our values need to be reminded that the law compels them to do the right thing. Sometimes, that reminder comes in the form of a lawsuit from Earthjustice. Other times, it’s tens of thousands of supporters like you engaging in a comment period, perhaps years after the successful lawsuit that required it, to remind the government that we are still watching what it is doing. Our collective power comes from our ability to never back down from a challenge — no matter how long it takes, no matter how many comment periods they have, we’ll be there. We’ve got a mix of actions below that reflect the various stages of the action-taking process. The Postal Service already held a comment period and finalized an environmental assessment with deeply flawed assumptions slanted against electric trucks. The EPA is developing new regulations and needs to hear from you in the comment period that it can and should be more ambitious in protecting people from lead exposure. And the Forest Service needs some proactive encouragement to do more to protect climate forests across the country. You are engaging at every step in the process — before, during, and after comment periods — and it’s going to make a difference in the lives of millions of people in the end. Your activism is creating change — and we’re just getting started. Click here to engage at every step by taking all of the actions below on one page.