Photography-by-Alexandra Sanders–Nature's Design
After many years of a very quiet creative side, I rekindled my creativity when I found photography; I was undergoing chemotherapy at the time. I started noticing all the lovely creatures in my back yard: the birds & bees, butterflies & moths, even spiders & flies. The ducklings were up at my mother's home in Scotts Valley CA and the shorebirds & crows are from the Santa Cruz CA coast along beautiful West Cliff Drive on Monterey Bay. The one thing about going through chemotherapy and battling cancer was that it helped me to realize that THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME.
I appreciate you taking the time to view my work. These pictures continue to give me inspiration. Pictured here are: Anna's-hummingbirds-brown pelicans-common-crows-magpie-cedar-waxwing-tiger-swallowtail-butterfly-red-admiral-butterfly-Audubon-warbler-American-robin-ruby-crowned-kinglet-mallard-ducklings,-bumble-bee and a dragonfly.
Please take a look at all my photographs at my Phanfare Website:
Please take a look at all my photographs at my Phanfare Website: