I have discovered a fabulous way to spend an hour or so relaxing outside. It really could stretch out longer as it is so enjoyable. I am using my iPhone App, iBird Pro, to call to the Birds In My Back Yard, whom I call the BIMBY: Birds-In-My-Back-Yard.
Two days ago, I thought I heard some HOODED ORIOLES, but was unsure. I opened up my iBird Pro and started playing the different hooded oriole sounds that are within the program. Sure enough, within 3-4 minutes, I had 4 hooded orioles in the tree above me. They were so interested and came closer and closer.
Two days ago, I thought I heard some HOODED ORIOLES, but was unsure. I opened up my iBird Pro and started playing the different hooded oriole sounds that are within the program. Sure enough, within 3-4 minutes, I had 4 hooded orioles in the tree above me. They were so interested and came closer and closer.
Yesterday I had some GOLDEN CROWNED SPARROWS in the yard and did the same thing. This was so fun. One came within a foot of me. I also called TOWHEES and NUTHATCHES. The towhees responded but nothing from the nuthatches. I have not seen any this year at all. Miss their beeping.
I realize bird calls are nothing new, I just have never done it before.
I realize bird calls are nothing new, I just have never done it before.
Today the CEDAR WAXWINGS arrived to sample the nectar of my wonderful eucalyptus tree. Cedar Waxwings emit this high pitched call and it is very apparent when they arrive. They left before I could get my iBird Pro out to call to them.
I had wonderful luck with the CHESTNUT BACKED CHICKADEES. I played the different songs and one of the birds came within a foot of me. So interested.
Article written by Alexandra Sanders, aka the LadyWhoLovesBirds
Article written by Alexandra Sanders, aka the LadyWhoLovesBirds