She started flying about after a couple of months, maybe three, and I made the decision to take her out and let her go. I was deeply saddened as she was quite attached to me and I her, but I felt it was the right thing to do.
So I went to my front porch and let her go. She immediately flew out and dropped down onto the middle of our main street. She seemed to just sit there. The neighbor across the street had a golden retriever and they live for birds as you can imagine. So he charged little BeeBee and I screamed out, "No, no. That's my little pet bird!". The dog owner called him off and BeeBee heard me and flew right up to me. I brought her inside and thought today was not the day for BeeBee to go free.
Each day after that one however, I took her outside and she flew from my second story front porch over to the pine trees across the street, fooled around for a few minutes and then flew back to me. This went on for months. Finally, one day there was a sparrow party of sorts, gathered outside the parlor windows. I came in to the room and BeeBee acted like a wild bird. She WANTED to go out and it was very obvious to me that she had heard the call of the wild and would be okay. I opened the front door and released her and never was sad and never saw her again. It was the perfect ending.